Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Final Countdown

It's 5.30am, and I can't sleep. Too excited and worried at the same time! Only the next 2 days to get through, and I'll be on my way!

Been a while since my last blog entry, I always create great things to say when my hands are busy and my mind is currently not occupied, like when I m driving, cooking, etc :- all filed away for "later when I have time" - which never comes.

Or I get started, and think,"hmm this didn't sound as good as it had in my head.."

Well. I'll have a fair few weeks on holidays to see how much I can blog, I know my last attempt during my Japan trip died a sudden death - too much things to do and see, too little time, but this trip is more of a relax and spend time with family. And to eat and shop. Probably in that order ;)

So I'm back. To ramble here on the blogosphere. Because Facebook update status just seems too small an area to spout ramblings on. Little inane thoughts, sure. But not long monologues that probably bores everyone, but satisfies my inner childhood writer dreams of long ago....

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