Monday, April 5, 2010

Jells Park

This morning, it took a little prodding from hubby before I rolled out of bed ready for another day of riding. It had been a late night last night, compounded with a couple of beers and several glasses of wine had made for a tough time getting out of bed.
I wasn't disappointed with hubby's perseverance in getting me up though. It was a beautiful morning and although the route turned out to be the farthest thus far in my "10 days of riding", it wasn't the most strenuous. Plenty of gliding along and parts of short uphill with long downhill paths making it truly enjoyable. The greenery and peaceful surroundings were a definite plus.
We stopped by Jells Lake and I took a few pictures with my dad - hubby is notoriously camera-shy. There was even a beautiful black swan with a red beak.

Definitely a favourite route in my point of view and I will definitely request for more journeys to Jells Park - though I'm sure I'll hear no end of it from Mom, as she has been telling me for years to go to Jells Park!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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