Saturday, April 3, 2010

Venturing on the Eastlink trail

It's hard to wake up in the mornings, especially for such a bedbug like myself. I like nothing more than to huddle under the covers and just snooze or laze about reading a book or surfing the Internet on my MacBook.
However, having dragged myself out of bed and out into the morning air, it's invigorating to the mind and body, zooming along in the crisp, cool, early day, quiet except for the zinging metallic sounds of the bicycle wheel and the swooshing air as I gain speed going downhill.
I had indicated to hubby that, after yesterday's ride, I would like to venture further onto the Eastlink trail as that seemed to be the next level to our training and so off we went.
Down Wellington road, onto the bike trail. Past Chesterfield Farm, where I amused myself, hubby in front and my Dad behind me, by moo-ing at the cows and baa-ing at the sheep and quack-ing at the ducks as we zoomed by them.
We stopped at the Ferntree Gully road point and took some pictures, then headed home.

My Dad and I at the Ferntree Gully road point.

Boy, do I look chubby!! Hopefully this new hobby will help me lose some weight!
I was really happy at the end of this ride because we had managed 16.59km although with quite an even elevation. I was tired out by the time we got home and my body wad aching terribly by now especially at the neck, shoulders and lower back.
All this time, I had been riding hubby's mountain bike. I had attempted using his road bike, but the reach was just a little far for me and I found the handle a bit hard to hold.
So hubby brought me to his favourite bike shop and after an hour, I was the proud owner of my own bike!

By afternoon, my poor aching body had had too much and I had a nice nap so my muscles could regenerate! ;)

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