Friday, April 2, 2010

Easing into it.

So some people may or may not have heard that I have decided to face my fears and make my hubby insanely happy by joining him on his cycling adventures.
I actually decided this a few week before leaving for japan for holidays and we went for about 6 rides before. I'll get around to posting those later on, maybe ;)
So coming back after holidays, my first goal is to make sure that I am all trained up to go on the "around the bay" event. 50km. Westgate bridge. Fingers crossed, but it's in October so I have a little bit of time still!
So with this in mind and having had 5 weeks off cycling, I asked hubby to let me ease into it. However, we ended going further then I have previously gone, at 10km, albeit on a relatively even elevation. We ventured out on Wellington road, stopped before the Eastlink entry and did a quick round into Kingston Links golf course so my dad could book some golf time for later.
Back onto the road and headed home. My legs were wobbly at the end, but not too bad. A good workout to get me back into it. Not much downhill parts (my favourite with wind in my face), but then I found riding on the road not as scary as I had imagined. Might have helped that it was early and a public holiday (Good Friday).
It's going to be a hardcore training weekend!!

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