Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chinese temple

It's been a while since I've set foot in a Chinese temple. In my childhood years, we would make a yearly track during the 'Ghost festival' to visit our ancestral graves and burn offerings to them, followed by a visit to the temple to get blessings and ask for the usual "good marks in exams" for the various deities.

The sounds, sights and smells were so familiar and filled me with nostalgia the moment we stepped out of the car.

The colorful dragon statues that covered the roofs, walls and pillars. The smell of the incense wafting about and stinging the eyes. The sound of the bells tolling.

The life sized statues of deities, famous characters from fairy tales and animals from the Chinese Zodiac were amazing, but with 7 kids along, we were rushed through viewing them!!!

However, the real awesome part of this visit were the huge statues dominating the entrance and overlooking everything in the vicinity. It filled my heart with awe just to see these sentinels and mere words could not express the feeling of seeing such amazing works of art.

My blogpress app is not allowing me to upload blogs with pictures, maybe I'll add the pictures later when I get home from this trip.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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