Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pamper princess

After months of anticipation, I had a few days will be filled with pampering planned by my sister.

Hair, facial, will I adjust back to everyday life after this!

Friday - 90 mins of manicure/pedicure spa treatment, done in the comfort of your home by a mobile manicurist. My feet was ultra pampered and I definitely need to get my hands on some open toe shoes to show them off!!

Monday - spent an hour in the morning at the hair salon and my hair is feeling luxuriously silky. I can't stop running my fingers through it ;) They were initially surprised at the color of my red hair, but by the time I left had all agreed it matched well with my hair style - which they reaffirmed that it did not need fiddling with as it matches my face. I guess they could have tried to cash in on the "foreigner" but I was told to leave it as it is ;) I only had a "steam and wash" to soften and rebuild my hair after years in the harsh dry climate and also my own mistreatment of my hair ;)

Then in the afternoon, spent 2 hrs at the beauty salon, getting a facial and various beauty options performed (think hot wax). I can now wear shorts without worry!! I must say my face felt oh-so-smooth ;)

Wednesday - 2.5 hrs of steam, body scrub and thai massage and my whole body is so relaxed, I am floating about. Apparently I was a bundle of tension and was carrying it on my shoulders, neck and legs. She could tell straight away that I suffered from a lot of leg cramps! A lot of stretching and pulling ensued and this bag of creaky bones feels incredibly rejuvenated!!
The whole body was then treated to a steam - boy, did I sweat it out for 20 mins! Followed by a full body scrub (felt the layers of dead skin removed) then a yogurt rub (to tighten the skin!). After a shower, a slather of body lotion was applied and gosh, I felt totally blissfully pampered. All for a mere RM105. What a bargain!

And now that's done...I only have endless eating n some shopping to do!!!

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chinese temple

It's been a while since I've set foot in a Chinese temple. In my childhood years, we would make a yearly track during the 'Ghost festival' to visit our ancestral graves and burn offerings to them, followed by a visit to the temple to get blessings and ask for the usual "good marks in exams" for the various deities.

The sounds, sights and smells were so familiar and filled me with nostalgia the moment we stepped out of the car.

The colorful dragon statues that covered the roofs, walls and pillars. The smell of the incense wafting about and stinging the eyes. The sound of the bells tolling.

The life sized statues of deities, famous characters from fairy tales and animals from the Chinese Zodiac were amazing, but with 7 kids along, we were rushed through viewing them!!!

However, the real awesome part of this visit were the huge statues dominating the entrance and overlooking everything in the vicinity. It filled my heart with awe just to see these sentinels and mere words could not express the feeling of seeing such amazing works of art.

My blogpress app is not allowing me to upload blogs with pictures, maybe I'll add the pictures later when I get home from this trip.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

I woke up at the ungodly hour of 6.30 today, only because it would have been 8.30 back down under. Decided to get out of bed and check my emails, rather then going back to sleep - I know by the time I leave, I'll be having a hard time adjusting back to waking up at 5.45 in Australia, since it would then be only 3.45 in Malaysia!

It didn't take too long before the kids started thundering down to check out what's available on the telly.

What we did today ~
Lounge about
Went out to do some shopping
Shower n relax

And now...waiting for supper (eat + drinks)
Then sleep

Pretty relaxing, slow going holiday...just missing the sand and surf with deck chairs to make it complete ;)

Tomorrow will be another day of eating, but with the weekend here, will have 2 more kids to play about. Agenda tomorrow includes a visit to the temple, and more shopping ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Up in the sky so high...

Finally, all settled down on the plane.

Initial worries of missing the flight or getting there and realizing I forgot my passport etc are now gone and all that's left is the anticipation of a fun filled 3 weeks.

It's 2.30am Aussie time, but only 12.20am where I'm going. My body is weary from all the running about I've done in the last few days but I'm still buzzing with excitement.

The kids slept on the way to the airport, a mere cat nap, and also once we were taking off. They awoke when food was being served (at 1.30am) and are finding it hard to wind down. I find it hard to care when I'm still pumped up myself!

I know that once we arrive, the final hurdle will be to get our luggage and clear customs. Once through, the kids will have a few hours of sleep available to them since we will be whisked away to my Sister's place, where we plan to chill out, anyway.

Few hours later...

Didn't sleep much. Kept waking up to check that the kids hadn't walked off the plane :) I watch too much movies, and always imagining different "what-if" scenarios in my head all the time. So sometimes if u see my eyes glaze over a little, I'm probably calculating little paths and tangents a la "sliding doors" in my head :)

I stopped trying to sleep around 6am. Been waking up at that time approx, for the last week or so since spring arrived. Ultra motivated to get up and about with the fine weather (except for the thunderstorm on Tuesday). Hibernations over and I'm ready.

Till my next post...

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Final Countdown

It's 5.30am, and I can't sleep. Too excited and worried at the same time! Only the next 2 days to get through, and I'll be on my way!

Been a while since my last blog entry, I always create great things to say when my hands are busy and my mind is currently not occupied, like when I m driving, cooking, etc :- all filed away for "later when I have time" - which never comes.

Or I get started, and think,"hmm this didn't sound as good as it had in my head.."

Well. I'll have a fair few weeks on holidays to see how much I can blog, I know my last attempt during my Japan trip died a sudden death - too much things to do and see, too little time, but this trip is more of a relax and spend time with family. And to eat and shop. Probably in that order ;)

So I'm back. To ramble here on the blogosphere. Because Facebook update status just seems too small an area to spout ramblings on. Little inane thoughts, sure. But not long monologues that probably bores everyone, but satisfies my inner childhood writer dreams of long ago....