Monday, September 10, 2007

The weekend that was

Currently playing on ipod: Love Today - Mika
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Becoming Jane (out on DVD on Sept 12th)
Currently reading: A Kiss in the Dark by Kimberly Logan
Last TV Show Watched: BBC's Top Gear
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross

So, I spent the weekend watching a few movies and catching up on some more Top Gear. My husband and I are attempting to go through the entire 9 series of Top Gear, soonish, while mixing in a few shows we have lying around. We have already finished season 8 and 9 first, and whilst waiting for the new season to come out, have decided to go back in time, not to the beginning, but sort of randomly into season 3. I must say, the antics of Jeremy, Richard and James has me in stitches most of the time, and after watching about 20 eps in all now, cars on the road seem more different when i view them. Instead of just being "that red car that just overtook me" or "the blue topless car that just sped by", i m beginning to recognize the make and style a little bit more. I also find that the seemingly mundane to and fros of my daily routes seem a little less tedious when I start to imagine in my head whether I would be able to zoom about as if I m on the top gear track.

I also managed to squeeze in 2 movies this weekend, chosen by shuffling a small selection of shows in our "to be watched, someday soon, pile" and then selecting a random DVD. They were Hot Fuzz, a British comedy, and Employee of the Month, an American comedy. Both easy to watch, not needing any heavy thinking. Highly recommended for a few hours to waste away with laughter. Employee of the Month has, most notably, Jessica Simpson in tight tops for some eye-candy.

All in all, the weekend passed by in its usual lazy haze. Over in a blink of an eye, and now onwards to the hardest day of the week, Monday. Ah well, time to get the kids ready for another week of school.

t-minus 12 days till school holidays.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this blog won't last for a month