Friday, September 14, 2007

Young at heart...

Currently playing on ipod: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Top Gear Anthems)
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Heroes Season 2 ( Airing 24th Sept )
Currently reading: How to Marry A Marquis by Julia Quinn
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: Prince of Tennis
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross (yeah...still)

I am obsessed with dramas that are filled with "teenage angst". I like watching asian shows which center on high school melodrama and woes of teen romance. They bring back memories and wistful longings of the days that were. I must admit, most of the male leads were the kind of guys I would have idolized in my younger days.

I am finding it harder, however, to view these actors as heart throbs or someone to dream over. They are just simply getting younger, while I am getting older. It just doesn't seem right to ogle over some of them, who are getting to be half my age...soonish. Granted, most of them are just under 10 years younger then me now...but if I continue on this won't be long till I'm old enough to be their mother :/

Granted, I now realize why, in my younger years when I used to gush about teen idols such as Wil Wheaton or Michael J Fox to my mother, she didn't view them in the same light as me, eschewing the younger male leads for such old blokes like Sean Connery and Richard Gere back then. I remember the little indulgent smiles when I used to get from my mom when I kept insisting my younger male idols were much better then her 'yucky' old ones. I guess I should start practicing that smile, I'm sure I'll be using it a lot as my daughter gets older.

Meanwhile, I'll concede that Daniel Radcliffe is a cutie, and I would definitely have had him on my pin up wall had he been an actor in my teenage years.

t-minus 8 days till my house starts looking a wild herd of bulls stampeded through :/

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