Tuesday, September 25, 2007

School Holidays aka Time for parents to pull their hair out at the roots....

Currently playing on ipod: Smile by Lily Allen
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Resident Evil 3 (out 11th October)
Currently reading: The Pursuit of Marriage by Victoria Alexander
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: Coffee Prince
Last game played on DS Lite: Jewel Quest

So, the holiday has started, and my normal peace and quiet is constantly being broken with the sounds of my 2 boys trying to kill each other. They seem to content themselves in either trying to pin each other's arms behind their backs while their face is smashed against the wall, or trying to see who's jumping body slam on the other's back will cause the most harm. Technically, today is only the 2nd day of School Holidays and I'm already at point break.

Granted, having the house full of noise and laughter is much better then the usual eerie quiet I hate and endure when they are at school, but too much shouting and screaming is bad for my health, surely.

I had, before holidays started, borrowed about 30 books from the library in anticipation for some quiet reading time. Unfortunately, my son has already gone through half of them in the last 3 days. It gets quite tedious trying to find the right books for him. He's almost 10 now, but his reading level (tested at school), is that of a 13 year old. However, going out to get him books for 13 year olds is not a simple solution, as letting him read contents of a teenage level is just bringing more problems for myself in the form of questions of an 'adult' nature. Granted, I have been trying to introduce these topics for some time now, given the amount of sex, language and violence found on tv and the movies these days, but going through every single book he reads ( and he goes through them as fast as I read), is a bit tedious.

I suppose visits to the Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne Aquarium and Melbourne Museum will be on the agenda very soon. I'm looking forward to the outings, however, I fear that as usual, the kids will zoom past all the displays in double time and everything will flash past before my eyes without allowing me to slow down and savor the displays.

On a different note, I have just finished watching the Coffee Prince. A delightful Korean drama, full of funny moments and characters which truly endear themselves to the viewers. Then again, I have found that any series with Yoon Eun-Hye in it, I have enjoyed. Definitely recommended, and I must say, watching it makes me wish I could make such wondrous coffee as well.

t-minus 12 days till Life goes back to its peaceful self.

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