Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'll need that...someday...

Currently playing on ipod: This Never Happened Before - Paul McCartney
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Becoming Jane (out on DVD on Sept 12th)
Currently reading: Married to the Viscount by Sabrina Jeffries
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: TMNT (2007)
Last game played on DS Lite: I Spy - Fun House

So, I spent the whole morning merging my old blog with this one, partly because this blog looked so empty, but mostly because I am a hoarder. I keep everything and am always loath to throw anything away. The culling of my unneeded and totally unusable possessions are generally left to those around me. Namely, when I was growing up, my mother. And now, my other half has taken over the role. Unmercifully throwing away my scraps and junk that I have accumulated and am too sentimental to throw away. I always reason that, you never know when you might need something. Or if that piece of paper that had been lying on my shelf held pertinent information that I will need later in life.

When my mother decided to finally clear her wardrobe of all her clothes from her youth, which she knew she would never again squeeze into (clearly she was more realistic then I was), I salvaged as many of her hand made dresses as I could (short of taking the whole lot, which she wouldn't let me, and I wouldn't know where to put it anyway). Now, my mother was a teenager in the late 60s, early 70s. So all those psychedelic mini dresses and hand dye (dyed?) tops were coming back into the rage. However, given that my mother was shorter then me (and so incredibly thin as was the rage of Twiggy), I knew that I would never be able to squeeze into them myself. Given that I had been unable to close the zip at the back when I used to play dress up in them when i was about 15, I highly doubt that my post-three-pregnancied body would ever fit into them now. I blame my big dense bones, truly i do! However, I still hold out hope that my little princess would grow up to want these vintage dresses, that in my childhood days, would dream of wearing when I was all grown up.

t-minus 11 days till School's out

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