Sunday, September 16, 2007

What dreams may come...

Currently playing on ipod: Black Betty by Ram Jam (Top Gear Anthems)
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Heroes Season 2 ( Airing 24th Sept )
Currently reading: How to Marry A Marquis by Julia Quinn
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: The Closer (Season 3 Ep 7)
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross Normal Stage Level 7(yeah...still)

As I hopped off the speedboat with my hubby and headed to the little colorful market sprawled along the riverbank, I noted that there were an unusually large quantity of females clad only in lingerie and see-through flimsy robes. As I was pondering this, they seem to realize the arrival of a male in their midst and pounced on my hubby, asking him to view their "wares". I was literally pushed aside and forgotten, and rather then stay and save my hubby, decided to venture into a small lane.

As I was walking in this inconspicuous looking street, I felt a presence about, and heard a low growl. Turning about, I saw a man lumbering towards me, hand outstretched. As he got nearer, I realized he was not a man, but a zombie! Turning on my heels, I ran, trying the doors on my right till I tumbled into one of unlocked, and slammed the door behind me. Turning around, my mouth was immediately covered and I was shocked to gaze about the blue blue eyes of James Bond, Daniel Craig. This is only when i realized I must be dreaming.

More often then not, in my dreams, I realize I am dreaming, but am never able to pull myself out of it (not that I want to). Only conscious that I m following along, trying to manipulate the storyline. I always try not to get myself killed in my dreams of course, because I have this fear that if I die in them, I wouldn't ever wake up. And once I start myself along a storyline, I want to see it to the end, sort of solve the riddle or whatever adventure I am on. I don't know how the story really starts or why, but I always try to fight it when my alarm goes off or my hubby shakes me awake, so I can finish my dream. I haven't been able to wake myself up from a dream, unless it is from 'outside' help.

Every time I wake up, I try to grasp on to the wisps of my dreams. I think when I dream could probably fill a book. Although, most of them have no beginnings, and sadly, rarely a satisfactory end.

t-minus 5 days till the Teachers Rejoice

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