Tuesday, September 25, 2007

School Holidays aka Time for parents to pull their hair out at the roots....

Currently playing on ipod: Smile by Lily Allen
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Resident Evil 3 (out 11th October)
Currently reading: The Pursuit of Marriage by Victoria Alexander
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: Coffee Prince
Last game played on DS Lite: Jewel Quest

So, the holiday has started, and my normal peace and quiet is constantly being broken with the sounds of my 2 boys trying to kill each other. They seem to content themselves in either trying to pin each other's arms behind their backs while their face is smashed against the wall, or trying to see who's jumping body slam on the other's back will cause the most harm. Technically, today is only the 2nd day of School Holidays and I'm already at point break.

Granted, having the house full of noise and laughter is much better then the usual eerie quiet I hate and endure when they are at school, but too much shouting and screaming is bad for my health, surely.

I had, before holidays started, borrowed about 30 books from the library in anticipation for some quiet reading time. Unfortunately, my son has already gone through half of them in the last 3 days. It gets quite tedious trying to find the right books for him. He's almost 10 now, but his reading level (tested at school), is that of a 13 year old. However, going out to get him books for 13 year olds is not a simple solution, as letting him read contents of a teenage level is just bringing more problems for myself in the form of questions of an 'adult' nature. Granted, I have been trying to introduce these topics for some time now, given the amount of sex, language and violence found on tv and the movies these days, but going through every single book he reads ( and he goes through them as fast as I read), is a bit tedious.

I suppose visits to the Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne Aquarium and Melbourne Museum will be on the agenda very soon. I'm looking forward to the outings, however, I fear that as usual, the kids will zoom past all the displays in double time and everything will flash past before my eyes without allowing me to slow down and savor the displays.

On a different note, I have just finished watching the Coffee Prince. A delightful Korean drama, full of funny moments and characters which truly endear themselves to the viewers. Then again, I have found that any series with Yoon Eun-Hye in it, I have enjoyed. Definitely recommended, and I must say, watching it makes me wish I could make such wondrous coffee as well.

t-minus 12 days till Life goes back to its peaceful self.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What dreams may come...

Currently playing on ipod: Black Betty by Ram Jam (Top Gear Anthems)
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Heroes Season 2 ( Airing 24th Sept )
Currently reading: How to Marry A Marquis by Julia Quinn
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: The Closer (Season 3 Ep 7)
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross Normal Stage Level 7(yeah...still)

As I hopped off the speedboat with my hubby and headed to the little colorful market sprawled along the riverbank, I noted that there were an unusually large quantity of females clad only in lingerie and see-through flimsy robes. As I was pondering this, they seem to realize the arrival of a male in their midst and pounced on my hubby, asking him to view their "wares". I was literally pushed aside and forgotten, and rather then stay and save my hubby, decided to venture into a small lane.

As I was walking in this inconspicuous looking street, I felt a presence about, and heard a low growl. Turning about, I saw a man lumbering towards me, hand outstretched. As he got nearer, I realized he was not a man, but a zombie! Turning on my heels, I ran, trying the doors on my right till I tumbled into one of unlocked, and slammed the door behind me. Turning around, my mouth was immediately covered and I was shocked to gaze about the blue blue eyes of James Bond, Daniel Craig. This is only when i realized I must be dreaming.

More often then not, in my dreams, I realize I am dreaming, but am never able to pull myself out of it (not that I want to). Only conscious that I m following along, trying to manipulate the storyline. I always try not to get myself killed in my dreams of course, because I have this fear that if I die in them, I wouldn't ever wake up. And once I start myself along a storyline, I want to see it to the end, sort of solve the riddle or whatever adventure I am on. I don't know how the story really starts or why, but I always try to fight it when my alarm goes off or my hubby shakes me awake, so I can finish my dream. I haven't been able to wake myself up from a dream, unless it is from 'outside' help.

Every time I wake up, I try to grasp on to the wisps of my dreams. I think when I dream could probably fill a book. Although, most of them have no beginnings, and sadly, rarely a satisfactory end.

t-minus 5 days till the Teachers Rejoice

Friday, September 14, 2007

Young at heart...

Currently playing on ipod: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Top Gear Anthems)
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Heroes Season 2 ( Airing 24th Sept )
Currently reading: How to Marry A Marquis by Julia Quinn
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: Prince of Tennis
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross (yeah...still)

I am obsessed with dramas that are filled with "teenage angst". I like watching asian shows which center on high school melodrama and woes of teen romance. They bring back memories and wistful longings of the days that were. I must admit, most of the male leads were the kind of guys I would have idolized in my younger days.

I am finding it harder, however, to view these actors as heart throbs or someone to dream over. They are just simply getting younger, while I am getting older. It just doesn't seem right to ogle over some of them, who are getting to be half my age...soonish. Granted, most of them are just under 10 years younger then me now...but if I continue on this vein...it won't be long till I'm old enough to be their mother :/

Granted, I now realize why, in my younger years when I used to gush about teen idols such as Wil Wheaton or Michael J Fox to my mother, she didn't view them in the same light as me, eschewing the younger male leads for such old blokes like Sean Connery and Richard Gere back then. I remember the little indulgent smiles when I used to get from my mom when I kept insisting my younger male idols were much better then her 'yucky' old ones. I guess I should start practicing that smile, I'm sure I'll be using it a lot as my daughter gets older.

Meanwhile, I'll concede that Daniel Radcliffe is a cutie, and I would definitely have had him on my pin up wall had he been an actor in my teenage years.

t-minus 8 days till my house starts looking a wild herd of bulls stampeded through :/

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

misadventures of a mediocre chef

Currently playing on ipod: You Give Me Something - James Morrison
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Heroes Season 2 ( Airing 24th Sept )
Currently reading: How to Marry A Marquis by Julia Quinn
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross


Coconut cream - half a can (70g) Ayam Brand
Pandan paste - optional
3 Eggs
1 1/4 cup caster sugar

Boil 1/4 cup sugar on low fire to caramelize (boil till brown)
Beat eggs with remaining 1 cup sugar
Add coconut cream to boiled sugar and stir
Add sugar/egg mixture to this, stirring all the time till kaya forms. (add pandan if desired)
Pour into desired container to cool.

Sounds simple enough? Not as it always seems. My first attempt of it last week yielded something which did not look like kaya. It was lumpy, its color was too light, yet it tasted fantastic (hubby's praise not my own). So, for my second attempt, which were to be given away, I felt sure that if I just spent a little more time and perseverance, and possibly a little more elbow work at stirring, I would get it looking right.

Unfortunately for me, it turned out worse. Its colour was a beautiful golden brown ( I did not choose to add the green pandan), however, its taste was decidedly too sweet and the texture almost liquid instead of a stiff spread. I guess I should not have been so over confident and made 2 lots in that go!

Somehow this always seems to happen to me. Generally, if I cook something in double or worse, triple batches, I end up coming up with some sort of end result that either tastes horrid, or is slightly uncooked. So much for short cuts :/

Moral of the story...take the time, do it right, and if need be, cook separate batches.

t-minus 10 days till All Hell Break's Loose

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'll need that...someday...

Currently playing on ipod: This Never Happened Before - Paul McCartney
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Becoming Jane (out on DVD on Sept 12th)
Currently reading: Married to the Viscount by Sabrina Jeffries
Last TV/Movie Show Watched: TMNT (2007)
Last game played on DS Lite: I Spy - Fun House

So, I spent the whole morning merging my old blog with this one, partly because this blog looked so empty, but mostly because I am a hoarder. I keep everything and am always loath to throw anything away. The culling of my unneeded and totally unusable possessions are generally left to those around me. Namely, when I was growing up, my mother. And now, my other half has taken over the role. Unmercifully throwing away my scraps and junk that I have accumulated and am too sentimental to throw away. I always reason that, you never know when you might need something. Or if that piece of paper that had been lying on my shelf held pertinent information that I will need later in life.

When my mother decided to finally clear her wardrobe of all her clothes from her youth, which she knew she would never again squeeze into (clearly she was more realistic then I was), I salvaged as many of her hand made dresses as I could (short of taking the whole lot, which she wouldn't let me, and I wouldn't know where to put it anyway). Now, my mother was a teenager in the late 60s, early 70s. So all those psychedelic mini dresses and hand dye (dyed?) tops were coming back into the rage. However, given that my mother was shorter then me (and so incredibly thin as was the rage of Twiggy), I knew that I would never be able to squeeze into them myself. Given that I had been unable to close the zip at the back when I used to play dress up in them when i was about 15, I highly doubt that my post-three-pregnancied body would ever fit into them now. I blame my big dense bones, truly i do! However, I still hold out hope that my little princess would grow up to want these vintage dresses, that in my childhood days, would dream of wearing when I was all grown up.

t-minus 11 days till School's out

Monday, September 10, 2007

The weekend that was

Currently playing on ipod: Love Today - Mika
Currently Anticipated Video/Movie : Becoming Jane (out on DVD on Sept 12th)
Currently reading: A Kiss in the Dark by Kimberly Logan
Last TV Show Watched: BBC's Top Gear
Last game played on DS Lite: Picross

So, I spent the weekend watching a few movies and catching up on some more Top Gear. My husband and I are attempting to go through the entire 9 series of Top Gear, soonish, while mixing in a few shows we have lying around. We have already finished season 8 and 9 first, and whilst waiting for the new season to come out, have decided to go back in time, not to the beginning, but sort of randomly into season 3. I must say, the antics of Jeremy, Richard and James has me in stitches most of the time, and after watching about 20 eps in all now, cars on the road seem more different when i view them. Instead of just being "that red car that just overtook me" or "the blue topless car that just sped by", i m beginning to recognize the make and style a little bit more. I also find that the seemingly mundane to and fros of my daily routes seem a little less tedious when I start to imagine in my head whether I would be able to zoom about as if I m on the top gear track.

I also managed to squeeze in 2 movies this weekend, chosen by shuffling a small selection of shows in our "to be watched, someday soon, pile" and then selecting a random DVD. They were Hot Fuzz, a British comedy, and Employee of the Month, an American comedy. Both easy to watch, not needing any heavy thinking. Highly recommended for a few hours to waste away with laughter. Employee of the Month has, most notably, Jessica Simpson in tight tops for some eye-candy.

All in all, the weekend passed by in its usual lazy haze. Over in a blink of an eye, and now onwards to the hardest day of the week, Monday. Ah well, time to get the kids ready for another week of school.

t-minus 12 days till school holidays.