Saturday, December 16, 2006

Up, Up, and Away!

How does one answer a child when he asks, "Mummy, why don't I have superpowers?". My middle son is obsessed with superheroes. He loves his movies, and he's always in fantasy land.

18 months ago : Xan is seen flying around the room with his make-shift light saber battling the Jedi as Anikin Skywalker. His life goal then was to be a Jedi when he grew up. "Mom, why can't I be a Jedi?"

12 months ago : Xan is seen jumping from furniture to furniture, shotting imaginary web into the air, pretending he is Spiderman. And might I add, alternating with playing with a toy camera as Peter Parker. His goal then was to be Spiderman when he grew up. I might add, that when he spotted a live spider hanging near his head when he awoke one morning, the screams of terror were loud. I did tell him Peter Parker was bitten by a spider, but he pointed out it was a "radio active" spider.

6 months ago : Xan is seen battling with his brother, sometimes as Iceman against his brother's Pyro. Other days, he would be jumping about, baring his imaginary claws as Wolverine. His goal then was to be a mutant when he grew up.

1 month ago: Xan is seen zooming across the room. Its a kid, Its a boy, No! It's Superman! He wanted super powers then. He would jump off the bed in a single bound and pretend to lift heavy objects (the pillows). Most of all, he wanted heat rays to shoot from his eyes. The glares he tried to give me felt hot enough!

And this week, he has a new life goal. He wants to be a ninja when he grows up. Thank to Naruto the animated Japanese series. Xan feels that with training, he will top Naruto in his tricks and fighting skills.

I wonder what new character he will take fancy to next.

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