Tuesday, December 5, 2006

the beginning...again

I love blogs, just like i loved writing in my diary in my youth. Its the actual sitting down and writing it and keeping it up to date that I have a problem with. I spend much of everyday composing what I would write in a blog if I had one, only when I sit down to do it, my mind draws a blank. Something happens, and my mind race...

"How would I phrase what just happened if I were to write it down?"


"Gee, that would make an interesting entry, IF i had a blog".

I've done it before. Started a blog. kept it going for a few weeks. Then...silence. I just can't seem to stick to it. Just like, in my youth, every year, on 1st of January. My New Year's Resolution always started with, "this year, I will stick to my diary and devote a minimum of 10 mins updating it every night". And yet, come January the 1st, a new diary appears, with the same resolutions, and yet the old one lays not even a quarter of its pages used.

But I'll persevere this time...I hope.

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