Friday, December 8, 2006

tuxedo party!

My 2nd son, is obsessed with penguins. When we go to the zoo, all he wants to see are penguins. Granted, he is satisfied to spend 2 mins looking at it, and then is willing to move on to anything else we prefer, but if we don't do it first, we spend the whole day being driven insane with his "where's the penguin? can i see the penguins? can we go now?"

He loves looking at pictures of penguins. He loves drawing penguins. His writing journals at school is filled with sentences about penguins (mainly, "I like penguins"), accompanied with more pictures of penguins. During art, he choses to make little paper penguins, which brings me to this incident.

About 2 months ago, my son comes home from school and introduces me to his new pet, "My Penguin". He tells me that his pet lives in cold places, and so, he needs to put him in a cold place to live. Hence, "My Penguin" is now living in my fridge.

Every now and then, my son would open the fridge to check on his pet. Saying things like, "My Penguin is resting" or "My Penguin is happy inside where its cold". Once, I had to take it out to make space for some actual food stuff, and he walked by and exclaimed, "Hey! who took out My Penguin? It's too hot, he'll melt!" And back went "My Penguin".

Last week, I opened the fridge and "My Penguin" had a 'friend'.

which was nothing compared to my surprise when i opened the fridge last night and found that "my Penguin" and his friend has been busy.

I swear, the one on the right is even waving to me! I wonder what I'll find in the next few weeks? I guess as long as the alcohol in the fridge (or the seafood) doesn't start going missing, I'm safe for the moment :)

edit: My son has now confirmed that this is the crew who broke out of the Zoo in "Madagascar".

Welcome Skipper, Private, Kawolski and Rico to the family!

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