Wednesday, December 6, 2006

dreaded dreaded patch day

I like to wallow in the familiar. I don't like change. It takes me time to get used to new ideas. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against "growth" and technology. But i grow fond of the way things are, and always balk at changing. If it ain't broke, why fix it? I get used to the way my desktop is set, to know where my icons are at a flick of the mouse. Some people call it a mess, i call it organised chaos.

And so, patch days on World of Warcraft is especially difficult. On the one hand, I am excited to see what new things have been put into the game. New content can't be bad, it just makes the game more exciting. Then again, along with patch means the way i have set my whole screen is gone. My mods are non functioning (finding the right ones are a pain, since i must have like 50 mods). The way i have arranged the lay out of my screen has been set to default ( and no, i have no idea how and why i moved everything to the way it pleased me). Finding the right balance of where everything goes was a time-consuming effort. And all i want is the way things were so i can continue roaming the planes of Azeroth instead of spending the next 72 hours going, now...why does the upper left corner look slightly out of whack?

I moan and bemoan change, but in the end, I'll grow used to the new way it is...until the next dreaded patch day.

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