Thursday, May 22, 2014

Killing 12 hours in transit..

What does one do with 12 hours in transit? 
We arrive in a very hazy KLIA2 - the new low cost carrier airport just opened barely a month, just after 3.30pm local time. 
We made it out of the plane in record time, mainly because we were in the 2nd row. The airport still had fresh paint smells lingering in its hallways, and we made our way through, no crowds, no noise. 

It took us a very short time to get through immigration, and our bag was one of the first through on the carousel - yet we lingered, for almost an hour on some pristine benches next to the carousels owing to the fact we had excellent free wifi reception and was loath to move. 
When I suddenly realised that we had not eaten for 6 hours (omg, seriously how did  I manage that length of time?), we decided to finally pass through customs in search of substanance. 
The amount of options available was plentiful, and we decided to "scope" our choices. Fast food? Local delicacies? Snacks on the go?
We walked 3 levels compiling our list - and ended up exactly where we started! 

Local favorite Old Town - eating Nasi Lemak and kaya toast :)

 Another hour and aimless walking brought us to the Thai Odyssey. The huge sign beckoned me with the tantalizing 25% discount on all massages! After a little cajoling, and discussion of prices and the value of R+R, Jeff and I were settled in a couple's room to enjoy - for me, a foot and body massage and for him, just a foot massage. 
I must say, it was extremely good to have my aching feet pampered and those tensed knots in my shoulders and neck kneaded. I only wish that I had plonked down for 2 hours instead of one!

By now, it was almost 9.30 - time for another meal! This time we decided on fast food. Texas Chicken sounded interesting...but oh so sinful!

We sat in the comfy seats and then our partners in crime joined us!

Yippee! Time flew much faster from then and next thing I knew - 11 hours has passed and we are checked in and waiting at the boarding gates! 
Off to the next stopover! Just one more before our final destination! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is ur final destination? London? DC..