Friday, May 23, 2014

Foodgasm and fairy lights

Because it's very late...and because I've had too many drinks - red wine and some unknown shots, this blog post will be mainly pictures. 
We left at 7 to head to Anjelique for our dinner event. However due to terrible traffic, we were diverted to ferry docks to catch a water taxi (more of a yacht). 

It was a nice cool evening, skimming across choppy waters, and we made it to the Anjelique, passing some tourist attractions. 

When we finally docked at Anjelique and disembarked, a dizzying array of canapés were offered to us. I loved the prawns the most, but they were overall very yummy and u tend to do, ate too much!

After a speech presentation introducing the new M4, they brought out a sparkling concoction and after double shots, I knew it was time to head home.

So we caught the first shuttle van at 10pm (alternate shuttles arrive at various times up to 11pm), and now it's time for some shut eye to rest up for a brand new day tomorrow! 

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