Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

It's interesting how we all know about global warming and environmental concerns, but how little we actually bother to offset our carbon footprint. I am definitely not one of those environmental fanatics, the number of children I have already over exceeds the desired one or nil child policy that most of the environmental parties are demanding these days. I do try every now and then to turn things down a notch, and I must admit I enjoy my little "luxuries" whenever I can.

However, under the constant reminders from my husband, I have started to turn things down a notch. The brightness of our lights and my laptop have been dimmed a little. I try to hang the clothes out to dry rather then use the dryer. We switch off the power points when not using our electrical appliances instead of leaving it on standby. We changed from petrol to diesel. We also tend to spend our family evenings in one room, so as to minimize the lighting needed. When we do switch on the air conditioning, it is only when the heat goes over 33 degrees, and we only have it set to 28 degrees. This all helps to not only conserve energy, but also helps lighten the expenses.

With Earth Hour happening on the 29th of March, we are all asked to minimize our carbon footprint by turning off all non essential lights and setting our appliances from stand by to off, for one hour from 8pm. This should prove to be interesting, as I will be on holidays in Great Ocean Road on that day.

Do stop by the official webpage and join up, even if you only intend to turn down your music, or the brightness of your monitor, every little bit helps!

Join here and be linked to me! http://www.earthhour.org/user/WxzU

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