Saturday, January 19, 2013


I recently started eating oats in the morning. Mainly because it is the start of the new year, and we all resolve to be healthier and good during January, and partly because I'm coming to terms that I'm getting older and need to start looking after myself.

I happened to mention to my Mommy whilst at the shops that I'm looking for a healthy topping to put on top of my oats - I'm eating the plain rolled oats as opposed to ones with added sugary stuff, and she suggested "blueberries"!

My instant response was, "Ugh blueberries, yuck!".

Mommy said, "Blueberries are yummy!"

I replied, "I don't like them. They're err sourish..."

Mommy then dragged me to the fruits section and said, "Try one!", and grabbed one, insisting I try one.
At this point, an image of me, trying to entice Kaitlyn to try some mango a few days ago, flashed in my mind.

I had tried to introduce food to her that Kaitlyn does not like, mushroom and mango among them. And I had lectured her that we should always try a little of the food available on the table (during meals). No harm in taking a bite, she might discover that her taste buds have changed and she would like something different. Always take a little to try, and if you don't like it, swallow it politely (without making gagging noises) and leave it for another day!

Mindful of my own advice, I accepted the little blueberry from my mother, and tasted it. To my surprise, I liked it. Instant conversion!

Why have I been shunning this little fruit! Oh, all the blueberry muffins I have declined. No more!

(And yes, I made Kaitlyn try one when I put it in my oats this morning. Her reaction? "Bleh. Too sweet!")

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