Sunday, October 28, 2018

it’s time to start blogging again

2am. The excitement is mounting. I’m finally packed and ready for an adventure!

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and even when I did - I was terribly inconsistent. I’d come up with the words in my head while I was doing, seeing and enjoying “the moment” but never seem to find the time to capture it before it was lost. 

Never too late to try again, and what better way than to start again on a road trip! 

Stuck in a car with hubby for 12 days, and roughly 4500 miles - clearly we will be spending time bonding!

Well, this is a test post - to get back into blogging. So here it goes....

Sunday, May 25, 2014

End of the M experience.

24th May - Day 4

The final dinner for our BMW M experience was held at the Mikla. There was a fantastic view and excellent food. Wonderful company and delightful moments. It was a great night out, and we were lucky to be joined at our table by Christian, the Regional Sales & Marketing Manager, who regaled us with hilarious anecdotes and stories garnered from years of working in different countries with BMW! 

We started the night with mojitos on the very windy rooftop (thank god for jackets). 

We headed into the restaurant, and was so absorbed with the food and company, that I forgot to take any pictures of the beautiful scenes outside our full glass windows showing views of the sun setting on the city and finally the night lights. 
I did remember to take the excellent food. 

I've fallen in love with their apple tea, baklava and Turkish delights. And will sorely miss them!

We headed home and off to bed to get ready for the next day's adventure!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Turkish delights, grand bazaar and hamam.

We decided to start the day "right" by waking early and visiting the gym - something we never find time for on the normal hectic daily life. It was tiring, but it was invigorating!

After breakfast, the men (and a few brave partners) headed to the Istanbul track for their day with the M3 and M4, while the remaining spouse had some time till the 10am meeting for our tour. 

We started with at Taksim square and slowly made our way to Istiklal Street. 

Istiklal street is the "soho" of Istanbul, and until recently, one needed to dress up before they were allowed entry into the area. The street was lined by fabulously old buildings with such artistic historical architecture, however they were combined with retail shops both prestigiously old and new branded goods!

We stopped for Turkish delight tasting at a store that has been in the business since 1777! They were delicious candies and I was very hard pressed to leave the shop empty handed!

Then on to more beautiful architecture. 

Then smack bang in between shops, hidden in a little lane was the biggest Catholic Church in Istanbul, Saint Anthony. 

Next stop, Grand Bazaar! 

Our guide asked if we wanted to see scarves, which I excitedly said YES! And he led us to a shop which I would never, on my own, deign to enter! 

The scarves were GORGEOUS and incredibly soft...but at 300TL, I sadly put it back. 1 too many digits! 

There were many things to view in the market, many of which I would never attempt bringing back to Melbourne, sadly, but was still beautiful to look at - lamps, pipes, ceramics and of course, gold. 

We also stopped in the shop of a very suave handbag maker. Who invited us into his shop, promising us that we would not resist his excellent products. I felt like the fly being invited into the spider's
parlour. And had no doubts that had my mother been there, she would have left with several purchases. "No fakes! Improved imitations! Better than the originals!" - were touted to us. I must say that tempting though it was, I wistfully pulled my lingering fingers away and we departed amicably with his final words, "life is short, and we should never put off what we desire" and "you do not know what you have just missed!"

After that we headed for a "Turkish" lunch. The pictures below speak for themselves, but I must say, the sea bass was superb. 

After a very full lunch, we headed off for the highly anticipated Hamam session. The Turkish Bath is a must do, and we were taken to one of the older, famous places, the Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Hamami, built in 1556 for one of the Sultan's favorite wives. An hour ensued where we were steamed, splashed, scrubbed, covered in foaming bubbles than moisturized and oiled. All this was done in a common area that was opulent in all it's marble and gold glory, but it was a little hard to see without my glasses and hard to glance around where everyone was nude! 

After that we were pretty much mellowed out, so it was back to the hotel, via the scenic route. 

Back to the hotel for a quick nap before the night's final dinner with the BMW experience team!